

It’s Winter right now, and the wetlands area across the street from us, has almost completely frozen over.

During the spring and summer months though, we are overwhelmed with butterflies, moths, frogs and birds. We have a goose family that nests in our neighborhood every year. They are noisy and hilarious.

My kids love to see what damage the beavers have done at the creek just down the road. It’s always amazing to me how much wildlife can thrive right in the middle of suburban areas.

This poster could very well be a snapshot taken from my phone of a pond that sits just 5 minutes from two very buys roads. How do they tolerate the noise of the city I wonder? Do all these amazing critters even notice us as they buzz about looking for food?

And what about the colors of moths? Have you noticed how much artwork there is on products that feature moths and butterflies? I’m thinking stationary, wrapping paper…you name it. All the winged creatures are unmatched in beauty. What could possibly be more inspiring than the magic of transformation that happens when a caterpillar shakes off his hard body and emerges with gorgeous wings ready for flight.

It’s almost a cliche to us. We know it so well. But don’t let that stifle the wonder of it for you.

I remember when my daughter had the caterpillar cage from Kindergarten here at home. We all watched and waited for the magical transition to happen. Not sure who was more excited- the adults or the kids.

It’s half the fun of parenting I guess. We get to re-experience all the wonder of things like caterpillars and butterflies. Things we so quickly forget.

I guess that’s why I love the wetlands. They remind me of simpler times. Catching tadpoles and climbing trees.

I drew some butterflies a while back and put them into a pattern, just to see what it would look like.

It’s not my usual color palette, but it’s still one of my favorites.

Another Wetlands inspired pattern is REEDS. There’s just something so calming about swaying grasses. I’m still working on the rest of this collection, and I hope to be able to incorporate more watercolor painted palms and reeds into a few more patterns.

Painting animals is super challenging for me. This crane was supposed to be part of the wetland theme, but I think I like him better as a stand alone.

What do you think?

Feathers also seem to have a place in the Wetlands.

I love the idea of creating a “soft” appearance using water.

Ha. Easier said than done.

Here’s my first attempt at painting feathers.

I wouldn’t say it was horrible. But there’s sooo much room for improvement.

I’ve been playing around with the idea of a floral bohemian inspired collection for a while now, and although it’s not quite there yet, I think there is potential for a really fun playful group of patterns.

This might end up being a kid- friendly fabric for early summer. We’ll see.

Oh the inspiration that birds provide! I’m sure there will be a post just for them in the future.

Till then, I hope your outdoor adventures keep you curious, observant and always full of wonder.

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